

Have you ever been or maybe drempt of going to the Maldives for some tropical R&R?? Maybe you've seen the rooms just above the crystal clear, turquoise water or had visions of snorkeling and swimming the water just off your room on stilts? Without the volumptuous cost or kazillion-hour flight, you can go just south of crowded South Beach to Key Biscayne whose homes rival those of Port Royal, Naples, (think: Scarface house or Miami Vice house). You must obviously be on the water via boat, and can head towards the Bahamas and see these homes just above the water on stilts, called Stiltsville.

Presently Stiltsville is comprised of seven remaining houses standing on pilings in shallow water in Biscayne National Park, that is located in between Biscayne Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Before hurricane Andrew in 1993, there were over 20 structures that dotted the seascape. With sustained winds in excess of 190 mph., and much higher gusts of wind, many of the structures simply did not stand a chance against the power of nature. Although many of the structures have been through a dozen hurricanes over the years, it became one of our finer laws that the owners of the properties (or the leases) could not make any repairs to the structures, so, they would simply fall into disrepair. Some of the structures are in fantastic shape and make a wonderful place to gather with friends and family to enjoy nature from an entirely different perspective. The laws that have allowed Stiltsville to become such as mess instead of being treated as the National treasure that it is. There is no other place on the face of the earth like stiltsville. There is a grassroots movement to save Stiltsville that has taken some traction and hopefully we will be able to pass this treasure and this history on to our children.

Originally Stiltsville was built or imagined during the days of prohibition and Al Capone and rampant gambling.The law was that gambling was allowed provided that it was located a mile offshore. [Stiltsville is located just over a mile offshore.] Many structures were built, in fact, a very large boat was purposefully run aground at high tide at full speed and then more permanently secured to the ocean floor during low tide when the ground was no longer under the water but was now exposed and above the water level. It was a fine and exquisite gambling establishment and clients were ferried to stiltsville. The law was soon changed to 3 miles offshore. The gambling boats located at Bayside in Miami will be very happy to take you 3 miles offshore so that you can gamble legally. During the 1980's when Miami was in the Miami Vice days, the stiltsville area was used for seaplane dropoffs of contraband where speedboats would take off with the cargo. Film shoots have been shot there and plenty of wild parties and photo shoots for minimal clothing magazines have featured the houses of stiltsville.