
How long has it been since you have savored a moving tricolored sunset? Maybe yesterday? Last year on vacation? While viewing, did you enjoy your favorite Sancerre or Champagne, or just gaze as it occurs everyday as it does in Naples on the beach? What did you think about, meditate on, when you saw the colors, the movement, and the waves that surround this sensational experience--so un-man made, so Godly-created?
It has been known that the best sunsets occur not just in remote, fancy, expensive locales, but in sometimes the most unexpected pastures in Oklahoma or the extreme desert of Arizona. Where is your gazepoint or in yogic terms, your dristi at this occasion? Is there really an extreme sunset in your eye view or is it somewhere that yearns for your dristi? I ask myself occasionally how we can move through life without noting or being thankful for the most subtle blessing like a beautiful sunset.
While at Sea, it has often occurred to me at the most distinct but random times, how often I fail to acknowledge the beauty that sits outside of our windowsill, just like a summer day that is so inviting, so tempting, but is undervalued and taken maybe for granted? It is in our scope of dristi, but we humanely ignore the beauty.
So, alas, pictures of the sunset I viewed tonight just by chance after returning from Key Largo. These pictures were not clicked in Key Largo, however, but just steps from my pad in Naples.....go figure....Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero – "Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future.", and the ode says that the future is unknowable, and that instead one should scale back one's hopes to a brief future, and drink one's wine....not a terrible idea!

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